معرفی و اطلاع رسانی در مورد رکوردها

طبقه بندی موضوعی

۲ مطلب در تیر ۱۴۰۳ ثبت شده است

Girl, hijab, modesty

(I love hijab)

The girl is beautiful with her hair

A father's wealth is his daughter's modesty

When the girl

She left her beautiful hair

That it becomes a hairy mess

Or that the beauty of a girl is hidden

Or eyes that see a beautiful face

Or that girl will leave

Bare head here and there

Or a woman can look like a man

be free

when did it happen

Let the country be prosperous with hair

naked hair

bare body

The houses were also stripped bare

There is no longer a human

To have dignity

have a mask

have a hijab

This was the difference between humans and wildlife

Man controlled his instincts

But now

They control human instincts

Angels over shameless people

they have a lot of patience

Indecency is beautiful from a distance

But the closer you go

The result is the card in the sewer

Women are like flowers in the garden of the world

A beautiful flower has its place in a garden

A lonely flower, a flower in the corner of the soil

It goes hand in hand with every look

You left your hijab.

What do you do with instincts?

What do you do with the looks of lustful men?

How do you answer God?

You played with people's minds.

Find a mark in history

that a person without religion and faith

He has been blessed

All religions have recommended modesty

Now, girl, woman, lady

Do you trade your modesty with a hair?

O woman, God created you beautiful

You are the epitome of beauty

But if you don't hide your beauty

You will be caught by the eyes of the lustful


Hojjat Baqaee








۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۲۸ تیر ۰۳ ، ۰۴:۵۱
دبیر خبر

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۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۱۸ تیر ۰۳ ، ۲۳:۵۵
دبیر خبر